Sunday, 11 November 2012

Rachel- 6th November 2012

 In todays lesson, we started by going through our blogs and making sure that we had not only stated what we had done in past lessons, but also WHY we did it, HOW we did it and HOW it has helped us.

 The rest of the lesson was focused on sorting out The Snow Queen performance. First of all, we did a speed run of the whole performance. Obviously, we hadn't properly rehearsed any scenes so this the reason we were doing this was to make sure that we knew the order of the scenes and that we knew what happened in each of the scenes.

 We then began work on scenes individually to add more depth to our performance and to make sure it flowed better. First of all, me, lizzy, polly and beth worked on the first scene- Grandma's house. We decided to start the scene with Gerda and Kai running on stage with a book that they want Grandma to read to them (the snow queen!). We decided to add this to the scene because it makes Gerda and kai's young ages clear. We made sure that our body language and facial expressions were similar to those of a child- crossed legs, looking up at grandma and leaning forward. We also decided to make Gerda and Kai excitable to add to their young character. We also decided that in the last scene, the snow queen's palace is filled with frozen people who she has killed. She freezes the crow who is trying to save Gerda but Gerda's tears eventually save Kai and the reindeer comes back to save the frozen people and slay the Snow Queen!

 In the Snow Palace scene, we decided that Kai should be the COMPLETE opposite to in the first scene as he is now under the power of the evil Snow Queen. We decided that Kai should be emotionless and look as if he's in a trance. He now speaks without emotion in a monotone. He sits still instead of fidgeting and only talks when the Snow queen talks to him. We decided this would be best as it emphasises the Snow Queen's power and Kai's vulnerability. We also decided that in the last scene, the snow queen's palace is filled with frozen people who she has killed. She freezes the crow who is trying to save Gerda but Gerda's tears eventually save Kai and the reindeer comes back to save the frozen people and slay the Snow Queen! It's important that the story ends with the bad guy (or girl in this case) being killed!

 At the end of the lesson we looked at costume. In tech lessons, the Snow Queen had already been made a staff and a crown so we decided that all she needed now was a nice dress/skirt and a white cape! The cape will make her look elegant and glamorous. It is important as the Snow Queen looks respected and classy as this will add to her smart demeanour. We decided that Kai should wear shorts and a checkered shirt to emphasise his age and make him look younger and cute! The Flower Witch and her children each wear flowery dresses for obvious reasons.

 On Wednesday, we showed the year 13s and Rachel's family our performance of the snow queen. We were missing Polly and Jess which meant we had to improvise in certain parts and Rachel had to sit in as the Grandmother. Running the piece through to an audience was important and effective as it made us realise that if people are missing on the day of the performance, we're going to have to change things round- and we proved to ourselves that we can do this! It also gave us an idea of how much we need to tighten up certain scenes. For example, some scenes, like the final scene, could be made longer as it ends pretty quickly! We could do this by increasing the length of the initial conversation between the snow queen and kai at the beginning of the last scene.

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