Monday, 14 October 2013

Acting with Adrian: Review of The Tempest Performance

The Tempest Performance:

We performed the Tempest in a work shop environment on Thursday. I actually think it went pretty well considering we had only a couple of weeks to prepare the piece. In essence, the performance today was more of a 'performance workshop'  as we didn't have an audience as such, we would just sit in the 'crowd' when we weren't on stage. We made a big contextual change- we based our piece in the future. This meant that although we were using the original Shakespearean dialogue, we would perform the play very differently to the way it would be performed in The Globe in the 16th and 17th century. 

 One of the clear adaptations we made to make the future contextualisation more realistic was through costume. Members of the Royal family and the 'business men' in smart suits. I chose to wear a blazer with skinny jeans and converse trainers to make it appear more fashionable which I believe complimented the futuristic feel that we were aiming for. The Ariel's both wore a blue-green dress to show her 'pure' appearance which worked well with her contrasting devious nature. The choice of costume that we chose is a world away from what would've been worn in the original Shakespearean production.

 For me personally, I think I did a good job in the performance even though I needed a couple of cues for my lines. I believe that I really got into character- particularly in the first scene when my character, Ferdinand, first meets Miranda. I purposely slowed down on the line 'O you wonder' to show that my character was indeed in awe of Miranda's beauty. By putting emphasis on the word 'wonder' it really did make it seem as though Ferdinand was witnessing something incredible and truly does admire her. This links in with his line in a later scene saying 'Indeed top of admiration.'

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