Tuesday, 5 March 2013

GREASE Rehearsal 6/03/13

 Today was our first rehearsal in 3 weeks and we managed to get a lot done. We started blocking Act 2 and managed to almost finish the entire act. We only had 2 hours of practical work today due to the Studio space being used but we definitely made the most of the time.

 Today I think the main issue was energy- this particularly evident in the high school dance scene at the start of act 2. It was a bit dead but I do believe once we're off scripts it will look a lot better- it didn't help that people had forgotten their scripts and this meant it didn't flow well at all. We just need to be constantly moving/dancing and then it will give the scene a lot more energy.

 We choreographed Beauty School Dropout and I think it looks really good. This is my favourite song to sing and I felt the choreography suited the song. It was lots of fun. Next time we run it, we will be in the actual Drama Studio so it will look a lot better and we'll get a better idea of spacing/staging.

 Today, I learnt numerous things about my character. For example, at the high school dance he says to Roger 'Hey rump let's go have a weed.' This is an 'old fashioned' term which was used in the 50s and 60s to describe 'getting a nerd'. This shocked me as up until this point I didn't see Doody as a bully- in fact, I saw him more as the 'nerd'. I think this shows that although he is the 'geeky' one in the T-Birds, just being in the T-Birds makes him cool in the eyes of others. In order to show this new side of Doody that I discovered today, I think I need to play him a little bit more cocky. Act 2 also shows a more aggressive nature in Doody when he carries a baseball bat when he and the rest of the T-Birds go to fight the Flaming Dukes. Although, it's clear that he is in fact quite scared about the fight and he goes back to the way I got to know him in the first act. I think in Act 2, he's got Frenchy and I believe this gives him a little bit more confidence than he had previously had.

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